Is Alimony Modifiable?

Well, there are, in certain cases, alimony can be modifiable. In the state of Florida, unless an agreement says alimony is non-modifiable, any alimony awarded by the court would be modifiable based upon a showing of a substantial change of circumstances. That change of circumstances can be a variety of things. It can be a

Rehabilitative Alimony 101

Generally, I would recommend showing a rehabilitative plan. What is the cost of schooling to finish your education? How much do you anticipate you’ll be able to earn upon graduating? It really is dictated by the rehabilitative plan to make sure that a party truly is in need of rehabilitative alimony to become self-supporting upon

Your Alimony Options

The other types of alimony are rehabilitative alimony. If one person stopped working during the marriage and wants to get into the workforce, the court can award rehabilitative alimony, which will rehabilitate them to be able to become self-supporting into the workforce. There’s durational alimony, which can be set for, which can be awarded for

Anticipated Living Expenses

Every case is on a case-by-case basis. And we would look at the facts of that case. For example, does the person have young minor children? Would they be better off in a house or do they need a two bedroom or a three bedroom? Can they have an apartment? What’s available on the market

Your Premier Divorce and Family Law Firm in Palm Beach Gardens, FL

Your Premier Divorce and Family Law Firm in Palm Beach Gardens, FL At Brodie & Friedman, P.A., we are dedicated to providing top-notch legal services to the residents of Palm Beach Gardens, FL. Our experienced divorce lawyers and family law attorneys are committed to guiding you through life’s most challenging transitions with compassion and expertise.

Experienced Divorce and Family Law Attorneys in Jupiter, FL

Experienced Divorce and Family Law Attorneys in Jupiter, FL Welcome to Brodie & Friedman, P.A., your trusted divorce law firm in Jupiter, FL. Our experienced team of divorce lawyers and family law attorneys is dedicated to providing compassionate and effective legal solutions tailored to your unique needs. Whether you’re navigating a divorce, seeking a prenuptial

Document, Document, Document

Document, document, document. That’s the best way to show the other side. “I had to pay the mortgage. Here’s where the money came from. Here’s where the money went to. And here’s why I used it.”

Record Keeping During the Divorce

If a party is going to use marital assets to pay for normal recurring living expenses during the divorce case, that they should probably keep an accounting and good records of all the money that they’ve used, how much they used and what the money was used for. So that in the event they need

Joshua Friedman: Certified Mediator

I am a Florida Supreme Court-certified FA mediator. I do mediations for lawyers. I also attend mediations as a lawyer for one of the parties. So I’ve been on both sides of the mediation table, both as a mediator and as a litigator, and I’ve seen firsthand the benefits of the mediation process in highly

Does Mediation Work?

Most cases are resolved through the mediation process. Most cases are resolved through the mediation process, given the cost of litigation and the uncertainty of taking a case to trial. While everyone believes that they are right and they’re going to win in trial, no one ultimately knows or can guarantee what a third-party judge

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