6 Florida Divorce FAQs Answered

6 Florida Divorce FAQs Answered

There’s a lot of questions surrounding divorce. In an effort to help you answer your questions we’ve pulled together six frequently asked questions about divorce in the state of Florida. FAQ #1: How long do you have to reside in Florida to file for divorce here? To file for divorce in Florida, one of the

Brodie Friedman ‘10 Best Law Firm Award’

Brodie Friedman ‘10 Best Law Firm Award’

Brodie Friedman Marital Family Law Attorneys has been selected by the American Institute of Legal Counsel to receive the “10 Best Law Firm” in Florida for client satisfaction.  The American Institute of Legal Counsel looks for Attorneys that have achieved unparalleled success but most importantly have done so for the benefit of their client. Brodie

How To Improve Communication For Divorced Parents

How To Improve Communication For Divorced Parents

Following a difficult divorce involving child custody, often with bitter recriminations,  communicating with your former spouse can be very difficult if not impossible. This may be true even after a negotiated settlement. However, Florida law requires both parents to share parental responsibility in the vast majority of the cases, as opposed to awarding custody to

5 Lessons For The Newly Divorced

5 Lessons For The Newly Divorced

Divorce is difficult. But, through a divorce, you can find a new, happy, and fulfilling life. In today’s blog post, we’re sharing five important lessons you’ll learn as you go through your divorce. Don’t Let Fear Control You. If divorce has you feeling fear, you’re not alone. Fear can be a crippling factor prior to,

Florida Parenting Plan and Agreement Guidelines

Florida Parenting Plan and Agreement Guidelines

It is the public policy of Florida to encourage shared responsibility for parenting unless it is necessary to protect the welfare of the children. See Davis v. Lopez-Davis, 2014 Fla. Ap. LEXIS 5159 (Fla. 4th DCA 2014); Allen v. Allen, 787 So. 2d 215, 217 (Fla. 5th DCA 2001), review denied, 800 So. 2d 612

Modifying Parenting Plans in Florida

Modifying Parenting Plans in Florida

Modification of a Florida parenting plan requires a finding by a court of a substantial, material, and unanticipated change in circumstances.  The court is required to make written findings to support that there had been a ‘substantial, material, and unanticipated change in circumstances that warrant a modification to the parenting plan. What is a Change

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