8 Signs it Might be Time to Talk to a Divorce Attorney

8 Signs it Might be Time to Talk to a Divorce Attorney

8 Signs it Might be Time to Talk to a Divorce Attorney

Marriages are complicated relationships with ups and downs. According to the American Psychological Association, in the U.S., about 40 to 50 percent of married couples end up divorced. This makes the decision to divorce a hard one. In today’s post, we outline some of the most common warning signs that your marriage might be heading towards divorce, and when it might be time to contact a divorce attorney. 

1: Silence and Avoidance

When the arguments end, it’s a sign that one, or both, parties have given up. Silence and avoidance prevents couples from working things out and coming to a resolution that allows them to grow as a couple. When one spouse disengages, the marriage is in trouble.

2: Lack Intimacy

A lack of physical and emotional intimacy is a sign that there’s a growing indifference in the relationship. If you feel more like roommates and less like two people in love, it could be a sign that your marriage is in trouble.

3: Major Trust Issues

A strong marriage is based on trust, understanding, and mutual respect. If you’ve lost all respect or no longer trust your spouse, it may be time to move on. 

4: Needs Not Being Met

If you find yourself in a one-sided relationship where your spouse isn’t doing their part, it might be time to consider a divorce. Marriage only works if there’s a partnership. Both parties need to contribute to the marriage in order for it to thrive. 

5: You’re Only Staying Together for the Kids

Staying in a marriage for the sake of the kids can do a lot of harm to yourself, your partner and your children.  Raising children in an unhealthy atmosphere can wreak havoc on their lives.

6: Toxicity

Toxic relationships are extremely dangerous. Remember, everyone is worthy of happiness and safety. If your marriage has become toxic, divorce could be in your future.

7: Damaged Self-worth

If your relationship is starting to damage your self-worth, it’s time to consider divorce. Constant self-doubt will eventually find its way into all aspects of your life, impacting your career, family relationships and your ability to have healthy relationships in all aspects of your life. 

8: Abuse

If there is any physical or emotional abuse, it’s time for a divorce. There is no circumstance where abuse is acceptable and you owe it to yourself (and kids) to protect your physical and emotional well being. 

Divorce is a decision that should be made with careful thought and consideration. If you’re considering divorce, you should contact a family law attorney. Our divorce attorneys are aggressive advocates of your interests and deliver dynamic strategies tailored to achieve your goals.


With over 30 years of combined experience, Jason Brodie Esq. and Joshua Friedman Esq. will guide you toward realistic goals and provide committed advocacy toward achieving them. They are known throughout South Florida for dedicated client service, tenacity, and success in complex divorce litigation involving property division, child custody, and spousal support. 

To get a better understanding of the qualities our reputation is built on, contact our office in Boca Raton to schedule your initial phone consultation (561) 392-5100

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