Mediation for Divorce

A lot of cases are resolved in mediation. In mediation you have a neutral third party mediator who doesn’t represent either party and their role in the case is to see if they can reach an agreement or a resolution between the two parties. Mediation is an effective tool to allow the parties to explain their feelings, explain what they believe occurred during the marriage, and explain how they would like to see their case get resolved and what the final resolution looks like.

If the parties are unable to resolve their case at mediation, then they would have no choice but to go to trial to present their case to a judge who isn’t going to be as intimately familiar with the party’s marriage as the two parties sitting there in court.

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    • phone 561-392-5100
    • timing Mon – Fri, 9AM – 5PM
    • email [email protected]
    • address 1675 N. Military Trail, Suite 730 Boca Raton, Florida 33486
    • Zoom consultations are available.