What is a Social Investigation?

A social investigation is when a licensed professional, typically a psychologist is appointed to assess each parent’s ability to meet their children’s best interest. They can make recommendations about parental responsibility and timesharing to the court. The court may or may not accept the recommendations of the social investigator at the time of trial. Some

Can My Spouse Leave the Country on a Vacation?

Your spouse can leave the country without notification without the children, but if the children are involved, it would be based on the parenting plan and whether or not there’s a temporary agreement in place, if there is a parenting plan. It then depends on what the agreement or the parenting plan says with regards

Can I Resolve My Divorce Through Mediation?

Yes, you can attend mediation before a case is filed or during the case. All cases will be required to go to mediation before going to trial. You have the right to go to mediation with or without an attorney. However, if you go to mediation without your own attorney, the mediator cannot give you

Do I Have to Work After the Divorce?

They may or may not. It all depends on the circumstances of the parties. This could be circumstances regarding the children or the financial circumstances of the parties. It also could depend on certain factors such as their age, health, experience in the workforce, and their education. If a party chooses not to work, they

Should I Choose a Male or Female Attorney?

Choosing one factor such as whether to hire a male or female attorney limits your options on choosing the right attorney for you. There are many factors in determining which attorney best suits your needs. Experience in family law, understanding your case and issues that are important to you, having a strong support staff are

I Just Lost My Job. Can I Modify Child Support?

The good news is that child support is always modifiable regardless of your agreement or your final judgment. If you just lost your job and no longer have the same income that was used to calculate your child support, you can probably go back to modify your child support obligation as child support is based

Does Jurisdiction Matter?

Jurisdiction allows the court to hear your case. If a court doesn’t have jurisdiction, then the case can’t be heard by that judge. Florida has to have jurisdiction over you and the other party. If there are children involved, the court must receive an affidavit from you to show that the court has jurisdiction over

I Just Lost My Job. Can I Modify My Alimony?

I know you’re gonna hate this answer, but it depends. First, if you have an agreement, and then it depends on what your final judgment says. If your alimony is non-modifiable or if it’s modifiable. If it is modifiable, you would need to file a supplemental petition for modification of alimony. There are certain factors

How to Prepare for Your Consult

A good tip to maximize your consult time is to know that your consultation actually begins before you meet with the attorney. If you already have an open case filed, give your case number before the consultation and ask if the attorney will read the docket or some of the documents are already filed before

Can I Take My Kids on a Trip?

Most likely yes. It all depends if there are agreements of the parties or if there is a court order in place governing trips during the divorce proceeding, or if a final judgment has been entered divorcing the parties, what the agreement is with regards to trips in the marital settlement agreement or final judgment.

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    • phone 561-392-5100
    • timing Mon – Fri, 9AM – 5PM
    • email [email protected]
    • address 1675 N. Military Trail, Suite 730 Boca Raton, Florida 33486
    • Zoom consultations are available.