What is an Expert Witness?

We’re advocating their positions based on Florida law, and we are taking positions that we believe in our client’s best interest. But when you go to court, we can’t testify. I can’t testify for my client. Only people who testify are witnesses. So my client can testify, but if my client doesn’t understand the business

Shouldn’t I get the Same as My Friend’s Divorce?

No, you cannot compare your case to a different case. Every case is different. No facts are the same. It depends on a variety of factors, the assets and liabilities, the income involved for alimony and child support, and also people can settle out of court for certain things they can’t get in court. So

What is a High Net Worth Divorce?

Unlike alimony, when you get paid as part of equitable distribution, there is no powers of contempt. What you get is a money judgment. So if the spouse doesn’t pay you, you get an order for a judgment. You get the judgment, great, now you got to collect on it. And if they don’t have

What Information can I give My Attorney to Help at the Consult?

Basic information such as the date of your marriage, if there’s children involved, your assets and liabilities, whether you have any premarital assets or liabilities that you have brought into the marriage, you and/or your spouse’s employment information, what are the issues you are having to make you have the appointment, and what are the

Alimony Secrets to Know BEFORE Divorce

If it isn’t enough and you have a shortfall to cover expenses, then we’re looking at alimony. And if you’re the recipient, does your spouse have enough to pay you the alimony that you need to continue to living the same lifestyle that you’ve been accustomed to or understanding that even if they do, you

What is P.E.A.C.E.

P.E.A.C.E. is a useful outline for you, your attorney, and the court to make sure the essential issues are addressed in your case. P is Parenting Plan. This includes issues such as time sharing, parental responsibility, transportation, travel, holidays, and other issues regarding your child. If you do not have minor children, you can skip

Distribution of Wealth Secrets to Know BEFORE Divorce

You also have to understand financially what is your estate worth? How is your estate derived? Are they in liquid assets? Are they in illiquid assets? Are they in retirement accounts? Are they in real estate? And understand what your portfolio of your financial resources is going to look like at the end of the

Time Sharing Insider Secrets to Know BEFORE Divorce

Before you get divorced, you need to understand the ramifications of being divorced. First, you have to deal with, most important to people with children is time sharing. You’re not going to be with your kids 100 percent of the time. And if that is an issue for you, you should understand that it’s going

Domestic Violence and Family Law: Legal Protections and Support

Domestic violence is a grave issue that affects individuals and families, and the legal system provides various protections and support mechanisms to help victims. Understanding these protections is crucial for ensuring safety and seeking justice. Legal Protections Against Domestic Violence Restraining Orders: Also known as protective orders, restraining orders are legal decrees that prohibit the

Post-Judgment Modifications: When and How to Modify Child Support and Alimony

Post-judgment modifications of child support and alimony are often necessary due to changes in circumstances that occur after the initial divorce decree. Understanding when and how to modify these support orders is crucial for ensuring that the financial needs of both parties and their children are met. When to Modify Child Support and Alimony Significant

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