Insiders Playbook to Protecting Yourself from Divorce

So, to protect yourself in marriage, events, divorce, and where the assets go, what a lot of people do that have a lot of assets is they can create trust, an irrevocable trust, that take the assets outside of the marital estate and put them into a trust and that delineates where the money could

What are Nonmarital Assets?

Non marital assets are 1. Assets acquired prior to the marriage, 2. Assets acquired separately by either party by non interspousal gift or an inheritance, 3. All income derived from non marital assets during the marriage unless the income was treated, used, or relied upon by the parties during the marriage, and 4. Assets excluded

When Should I get a Postnup?

The timing of postnuptial agreement is all on each person. A lot of people say, why do I need a postnuptial agreement? You want to stay married? We’re in this together. A lot of people say, you cheated on me. There are issues that have come up with inheritance. Whatever it might be, we want

Who Decides Who gets the Pets?

In Florida, pets are considered property, so it is handled in equitable distribution of assets. That being said, if you can settle your case, you can make an agreement where arrangements can be made, such as where the pet goes back and forth with the children. If you have more questions, I suggest you consult

Who Should Get a Prenup?

Who should get a prenuptial agreement? First, I’ll base on each person’s thoughts, process, beliefs, and if they want to go to a marriage that they’re all equal and it’s marriage, we’re here for love and everything’s great, go for it. When people come in with nothing and starting young and they’re like 20s, in

What is a Prenup and Do You Need One?

A prenuptial agreement can be the most important thing for a person coming into a marriage with assets because it protects those assets. Prenuptial agreements are upheld in Florida if done correctly. There’s certain things that need to be done to uphold it. And then when you get divorced, it protects what you had coming

What does “Family Law” mean Beyond Divorce?

Family law is more than just dissolution of marriage. There are also paternity cases. There’s post judgment issues such as enforcement or modifications of child support and alimony. We also handle domestic violence matters in addition to prenuptial agreements and post nuptial agreements. If you have more questions, I suggest you consult with an experienced

What is an Expert Witness?

We’re advocating their positions based on Florida law, and we are taking positions that we believe in our client’s best interest. But when you go to court, we can’t testify. I can’t testify for my client. Only people who testify are witnesses. So my client can testify, but if my client doesn’t understand the business

Shouldn’t I get the Same as My Friend’s Divorce?

No, you cannot compare your case to a different case. Every case is different. No facts are the same. It depends on a variety of factors, the assets and liabilities, the income involved for alimony and child support, and also people can settle out of court for certain things they can’t get in court. So

What is a High Net Worth Divorce?

Unlike alimony, when you get paid as part of equitable distribution, there is no powers of contempt. What you get is a money judgment. So if the spouse doesn’t pay you, you get an order for a judgment. You get the judgment, great, now you got to collect on it. And if they don’t have

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