Does the Length of the Marriage Matter?

The length of the marriage does matter. That would dictate whether the marriage is a short-term marriage, a moderate-term marriage, or a long-term marriage. And the length of the marriage is defined as the date, from the date the parties were married until the date an action for divorce is filed. Now there are specific

Top Questions to Ask Your Attorney

The consultation is a great opportunity for you to determine whether the attorney is right for you. This is where your attorney makes the best impression. Provide documents to the attorney before the consultation. Prepare a list of items to discuss. As we suggested in the prior video, ask your attorney what strategy he or

Alimony 101

We talk about alimony a lot in a lot of our consultations, and the most important thing for the parties to understand is right now in the state of Florida, Florida has eliminated permanent alimony. So even if you have a long-term marriage, there is no such thing as permanent alimony. But it’s important for

Child Support: Beyond the Basics

Child support is not just basic needs of the child. The courts in Florida consider both parents incomes, childcare costs, health insurance, and even extracurricular activities. A comprehensive understanding of how child support is calculated can prevent future financial surprises. For more information, please consult an experienced family law attorney.

What Does “Best Interest” Mean?

The term best interest of the minor child is a very broad term. It’s a very broad term that encompasses probably all aspects of the child’s life, where the court has to make a determination and a decision. What the court believes is in the minor child’s best interest, whether it is health-related, academic-related, should

Settlement Agreements. What do I do?

If you’re approached with a settlement agreement, understand that it may be binding on you once it’s signed. If there’s a proposed settlement agreement in front of you, whether a prenuptial agreement, marital settlement agreement, paternity settlement agreement, or post judgment settlement agreement, we can’t stress enough to take the time to read every page,

Timesharing 101

Effective July of 2023, the Florida statute did change regarding timesharing and now the statute reads there’s a presumption in favor of equal time sharing with both parents and the burden of proof is on the parent who does not want equal timesharing to show why equal timesharing would not be in the minor child’s

Why Won’t an Attorney Won’t Speak with Me

It’s understandable that you may be frustrated when you cannot reach an attorney to schedule your consultation. You may be directed to a legal assistant or a paralegal when you call an attorney’s office for information. We believe this protects you until the attorney runs a conflict check for you, the other party, and any

Do I Need an Expert Witness?

Every case does not need an expert witness. The parties are always free to present testimony to the judge of certain important facts or milestones in that particular child’s life. Parties are free to do them either through an attorney or represent themself in court, but they can certainly testify as to what that particular

Protecting Your Credit Before and After Divorce

Joint debts and liabilities can put credit scores at risk during a divorce by taking proactive steps like separating joint accounts. By monitoring your credit report, you could protect your financial reputation during this challenging time. For more information, please consult an experienced family law attorney.

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    • phone 561-392-5100
    • timing Mon – Fri, 9AM – 5PM
    • email [email protected]
    • address 1675 N. Military Trail, Suite 730 Boca Raton, Florida 33486
    • Zoom consultations are available.