My Attorney won’t Speak with Me When I Call

Sometimes you’ll speak with a legal assistant or a paralegal when you call an attorney’s office for information. We believe this protects you until the attorney runs a conflict check to ensure it is clear to speak with you and your case. This is also a good time saver. The legal assistant and paralegal can

Can I Move Out of State with My Kids?

If there is currently a paternity case or a dissolution of marriage case pending in the court system, you cannot move out of state with your children without agreement of the other party or court approval. For more information on this issue, please contact an experienced family law attorney.

Three Things You Must Know if You get Served

Number one, hire an attorney immediately. Number two, you only have 20 days to file an answer or response of pleading, which is why it’s very important to hire an attorney immediately. And number three, the date that your spouse files for divorce is the cutoff date for determining marital assets and marital liabilities.

Do I Have to Pay for Private School?

Whether or not you have to continue paying for private school depends on the facts of your case. It depends on your ability to pay. It depends on what the parents decide is in the best interest of the children or whether the court makes that decision, and the court will look into the consideration

What is P.E.A.C.E.?

P.E.A.C.E. is a useful outline for you, your attorney, and the court to make sure the essential issues are addressed in your case. P is parenting plan. This includes issues such as time-sharing, parental responsibility, transportation, travel, holidays, and other issues regarding your child. If you do not have minor children, you can skip P.

What is a Social Investigation?

A social investigation is when a licensed professional, typically a psychologist is appointed to assess each parent’s ability to meet their children’s best interest. They can make recommendations about parental responsibility and timesharing to the court. The court may or may not accept the recommendations of the social investigator at the time of trial. Some

Can My Spouse Leave the Country on a Vacation?

Your spouse can leave the country without notification without the children, but if the children are involved, it would be based on the parenting plan and whether or not there’s a temporary agreement in place, if there is a parenting plan. It then depends on what the agreement or the parenting plan says with regards

Can I Resolve My Divorce Through Mediation?

Yes, you can attend mediation before a case is filed or during the case. All cases will be required to go to mediation before going to trial. You have the right to go to mediation with or without an attorney. However, if you go to mediation without your own attorney, the mediator cannot give you

Do I Have to Work After the Divorce?

They may or may not. It all depends on the circumstances of the parties. This could be circumstances regarding the children or the financial circumstances of the parties. It also could depend on certain factors such as their age, health, experience in the workforce, and their education. If a party chooses not to work, they

Should I Choose a Male or Female Attorney?

Choosing one factor such as whether to hire a male or female attorney limits your options on choosing the right attorney for you. There are many factors in determining which attorney best suits your needs. Experience in family law, understanding your case and issues that are important to you, having a strong support staff are

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    • timing Mon – Fri, 9AM – 5PM
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    • address 1675 N. Military Trail, Suite 730 Boca Raton, Florida 33486
    • Zoom consultations are available.