Does the Mother Automatically Get Custody?

No, there is no presumption in favor of the mother. The divorce process will include working out time sharing issues and what time that timesharing each parent will get with the child. If you have more questions, I suggest you consult with an experienced family law attorney.

Can I Change My Judge Mid-Divorce?

The short answer is probably not. This can happen under certain circumstances though. For example, if a judge appears to be no longer impartial or if a conflict of interest arises. If you have more questions, I suggest you consult with an experienced family law attorney.

Can I Change My Attorney Mid-Divorce?

Yes, you can. It’s fairly easy to change your attorney during the divorce process if you’re not happy with their services. It’s important to have an attorney that advocates for you, listens to what you want, and that has the legal knowledge. So if you don’t feel you have that, then yes, you can change

Top Three Things a Single Father Must Know

The most important thing they need to know is they have no rights until paternity is established. Even if they are on the birth certificate legally they have no rights. Thus, they need to establish paternity immediately. They need to consult an attorney asap to accomplish this. Until then the mother can do whatever she

What is Timesharing?

Timesharing is formerly known as custody. It’s the time that each parent spends with the children there’s specific days and overnights and times designated for each parent. It also specifies which parents have time with the children on holidays and school breaks. If you have more questions, I suggest you consult with an experienced family

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