13 Signs You’ve Hired the Wrong High Net Worth Divorce Attorney

13 Signs You’ve Hired the Wrong High Net Worth Divorce Attorney

13 Signs You’ve Hired the Wrong High Net Worth Divorce Attorney It isn’t uncommon for couples in marital matters to have second thoughts about your representation. However, it’s important to distinguish between dissatisfaction with the law, which is widespread in these cases, and dissatisfaction with your attorney. Remember, the attorney works for you and must

The Role of Forensic Accountants in High Net Worth Divorces

The Role of Forensic Accountants in High Net Worth Divorces

The Role of Forensic Accountants in High Net Worth Divorces How is are forensic accountants different from a normal accountant? Forensic accounting is a specialty practice that describes investigating financial situations resulting from anticipated litigation or disputes. Forensic accounting utilizes accounting, auditing, and investigative skills to conduct an examination into finances. These specialized accountants are

8 Signs it Might be Time to Talk to a Divorce Attorney

8 Signs it Might be Time to Talk to a Divorce Attorney

8 Signs it Might be Time to Talk to a Divorce Attorney Marriages are complicated relationships with ups and downs. According to the American Psychological Association, in the U.S., about 40 to 50 percent of married couples end up divorced. This makes the decision to divorce a hard one. In today’s post, we outline some

Child Support Modification: 10 Questions Answered

Child Support Modification: 10 Questions Answered

10 Child Support Modification Questions Answered   People’s needs, capacities and circumstances have a way of changing over time. For that reason, Florida family laws allow for child support modification. However, obtaining a child support modification in Florida is not as easy as some people may think. In today’s post, we answer ten of the

6 Questions About Parenting Plan Modification in Florida

6 Questions About Parenting Plan Modification in Florida

6 Questions About Parenting Plan Modification in Florida Life is full of change, especially in today’s uncertain times. People’s circumstances shift and sometimes those shifts make it difficult to follow an already agreed upon parenting plan.  In today’s article, we answer six common questions about parenting plan modification: Question #1: What Happens When Both Parents

Florida’s 4 Types of Parenting Plans

Florida’s 4 Types of Parenting Plans

Florida’s 4 Types of Parenting Plans Filing for divorce can be stressful and complicated. This is especially true when your child is a minor. In Florida, a parenting plan is required in all cases involving time-sharing with minor child(ren), even when time-sharing is not in dispute.   In this week’s article, we break down the four

Child Support & COVID-19: 3 Questions Answered

Child Support & COVID-19: 3 Questions Answered

Child Support & COVID-19: 3 Questions Answered We at Brodie & Friedman understand that navigating life around COVID-19 has been immensely difficult, especially when it comes to child support payments. This is true for those who have felt the economic pressures created by the pandemic, and those whose co-parents have felt the pinch.  In today’s

How to Succeed in a Florida Relocation Case

How to Succeed in a Florida Relocation Case Relocating with a child after a divorce can be complicated and stressful for everyone. In an effort to help alleviate the stress of relocation, we’ve outlined important factors that Florida Family Law Courts take into account when deciding whether or not to allow a parent to relocate

Tips for Co-Parenting During COVID-19

Tips for Co-Parenting During COVID-19

Tips for Co-Parenting During COVID-19 Co-parenting during the COVID-19 pandemic has caused great concern for many Florida parents. In an effort to ease these concerns, we’ve outlined a few practical tips to help divorced parents better navigate parenting during a pandemic. 1: Stay Healthy Your first and foremost concern should be the health of your

Questions to Ask When Hiring a High Net Worth Attorney

Questions to Ask When Hiring a High Net Worth Attorney

Questions to Ask When Hiring a High Net Worth Attorney Going through a divorce can be one of the most trying times of a person’s life. Disputes about money, child custody, alimony, distribution of assets, and deciding who gets to keep the family home are difficult things to navigate. Things get even more complicated when

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