Court Experts for Your Kids

There are experts who can be appointed by the court to assist in child-related issues. Some of those experts include a guardian ad litem or a social investigator who would be a licensed psychologist who would be appointed by the court to interview the child, interview mom, interview dad, interview collateral witnesses and collateral sources,

Can We Go Back to Mediation?

You can reach a partial agreement. You can reach a global agreement. You can reach a partial agreement with an agreement to come back to mediation in 30 or 60 or 90 days. You can use mediation sometimes as a fact-finding mission to then come back to another mediation. There’s a lot of different avenues

How Does the State My Kids Live in Affect My Divorce

Laws in each state are different on child-related matters such as child support, time-sharing, parental responsibility, and what financial obligations each parent has for the child. This could also affect post-judgment issues such as enforcement of a judgment or modification of a judgment or agreement. We suggest that you find out immediately what state applies

Help! My Spouse Won’t Talk to Me

Keeping minimal contact with the other party is not always a bad thing during the litigation. Some attorneys may say not to talk to the other spouse at all during the litigation. You may find that difficult and want to discuss issues with your spouse that you feel need to be addressed quickly. If you

Valuing Your Assets

An experienced family attorney can engage the services of a personal property appraiser who can go out, inspect, photograph, inventory, and appraise the item, and prepare a written report which will say what is the fair market value of that asset. Additionally, we can use a real estate appraiser or a realtor to appraise real

Help! My Child’s Parent Won’t Talk to Me

Keeping minimal contact with the other parent is not always a bad thing during the litigation. However, in cases involving children, it’s best when the parties are able to put aside their differences to communicate on child-related issues. One of the factors the court reviews in determining what is in the best interest of the

What Does a Forensic Accountant Do?

I would highly recommend engaging the services of a forensic accountant. A forensic accountant is a third party who is hired by the husband or the wife, the petitioner or the respondent to identify value and put all of the assets into an equitable distribution chart. That’s a fancy term for a property division chart.

Does the Mother Automatically Get Custody?

No, there is no presumption in favor of the mother when it comes to timesharing. In fact, the Florida statutes were updated on July 1st of 2023 to address timesharing and dissolution of marriage and paternity actions. It’s important to have an attorney who keeps up to date on legislative changes that affect you. Timesharing

Does EVERY Asset Have to be Assessed?

Do you literally mean everything in the house? I mean, down to the skateboards and the kayaks? The best rule of thumb is if you want the court to distribute the asset, you need to identify it, no matter how small or how large. The court can only go with the information that’s provided to

Avoiding Pitfalls: Lessons from Case Law

Florida’s family law history is rich with cases of retirement asset division, some of which serve as cautionary tales from the importance of meticulously drafting QUADROS to unexpected tax consequences. Learning from past cases can guide smoother asset division. When it comes to dividing retirement assets in a divorce, knowledge and precision are paramount. For

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